Thursday, April 12, 2012

Time Management


Something I haven’t been able to conquer.  I work full time outside the home and I’m a full time mom.  I recently went back to work after an amazing maternity leave.  My second daughter was my early Christmas present.  I loved being at home with my girls.  At times it was literally insane – poop disasters (both girls at the same time), teething, girly drama for no apparent reason, but I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.  When I was at home I was able to play with the girls, clean and get some “me time”.   And by "me time" I didn't feel rushed.  However, now that I’m back at work I’m finding it hard to juggle it all.  I leave for work before the girls get up (most mornings they are still asleep) and I’m usually home by about 4:30.  My oldest usually goes to bed at about 7 and my youngest usually at about 9:30.  How do I manage to play with both of them, get dinner ready, bath time, read books, put to bed, clean house, laundry and get to do what I want to do?  Something has to give…right?  But I don’t want to give up anything.  Do I stay up later and pound more coffee the next day?  Each thing I do – I multitask.  While I write my posts I’m also looking for jobs for my husband (he was laid off).  While I’m feeding the girls I’m negotiating with my oldest that she can have an M&M if she eats her turkey.  While I’m bathing the girls I’m thinking about what I would like to take on next.  How does one accomplish it all without giving something up? 
How do you manage it all?

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