Sunday, April 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Another Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

This is my youngest daughter's teddy.  He's yellow - but at only 4 months old he's starting to fade from all the cuddles

Something That Makes Me Smile
How could this not make smile?

My dad bought this at a junk shop over 10 years ago.  I saw it outside the store on the street and convinced my dad to get it for me for my birthday.

As you can see - the picture on the left shows the detailing, picture in the middle shows the two things that are on the side.  And finally the picture on the right shows the key to the cabinet in the middle.


Table dressed up for Easter :)

My kids splashing in the tub.  I was trying to get them to splash more - but kids do what they want
In the Sun

In Central Park on Saturday 

Some More Sun from my Archives
Central Park
Vietnam Memorial
Memorial in Washington DC



  1. Awwwww..your little ones are adorable. I have a redhead too, but mine is a teenager now. I miss those days when they were little. Well, not the diaper stage. Lol

    Thanks for stopping by.

    1. I can't find the comment button...but reply works... Love love baby kissing baby... and the antique key in the door... and the sun over buildings... lovely lovely!!
