Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Yesterday Avery passed away.   Tonight after putting my girls down I was going to write Ellen another note asking her to recognize Avery and her family as inspirational people.  I logged in and saw her blog.  I immediately began to cry.  It's not fair that a beautiful little girl - not even a year was stolen from this world.  However, in such a short time Avery inspired thousands of people.  Her message about SMA was spread - she has educated people.  Avery made me smile on countless occasions and made me appreciate and love even more the things I have.  We are all given a life to live - some of us are blessed with long lives and some are cut short.  Avery had a bucket list - and in just a few short months crossed many things off her list - some small things like getting her picture taken with the Easter bunny and large things like getting kissed by a boy.  Honor her by take a risk and doing the things you really want to do but perhaps you think you don't have time or you doubt yourself or whatever the reason - try to get those things done.  But more importantly help honor her by spreading the message about SMA.  Please visit her website: http://averycan.blogspot.com/ - there they will connect you to a place where you can make a monetary donation.  Please keep Avery and her family in your prayers.
This is the last picture taken of Avery before she passed away - always smiling - God Bless.

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