Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Sale!

Hi Everyone!  Sorry i know it's been forever since I last wrote.  My sister-in-law moved in, I went back to work and it got incredibly busy, and the hubby is nearly unemployed!
But some good news!  So I started this blog to connect with the world around me and to try and make my Etsy shop fabulous!  I started my shop a few months ago and had no sales (but I'm terrible at promoting myself) and I was just thinking the other day that I should maybe consider shutting it down.  Number one I haven't sold anything and I had yet to pay my little Etsy bill.  So I'm checking my email (which I don't get to do very often) and what do you know??? But Etsy has contact me because somebody wants to buy one of my photos!!!!
I was completely shocked!  And so thrilled!  I immediately jumped up and down looking for the photo paper and disaster strikes!  No black ink.  So i contact my buyer (yeeee) and tell them thanks for the purchase and I will send it immediately.  I buy black ink - the image is blurry, so I buy the colorful ink and WALLLLAAAA picture is printed beautifully!  I cant believe I sold one of my pictures!!!!
So please visit the site. Everything is very reasonably priced and I plan on adding more pictures!!!
